
The Muslim International Film Festival presents an exciting opportunity to align your company with a world first Festival. The Muslim world accounts for over 2 billion people, in the UK, Muslims account for close to 4 million people spending in excess of £31 billion. We believe the Festival will attract Muslim audiences as well as those from other faiths and beliefs. Partnering with MIFF will provide unique access to a diverse audience who are both socially active and culturally aware, film industry professionals, and filmmakers from around the world.

We have a number of high-profile sponsorship opportunities available for 2024, including: headline sponsorship of the Festival; MIFF’s Audience Award; Gala events and film premieres. 

Sponsorship plays an important role for MIFF and we are always looking for new relationships, tailoring bespoke packages to meet your partnership objectives. If you are interested in supporting our work, we would love to hear from you. 

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